WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Planning Paper 5 23 September 2005 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: CNPA Response to the White Paper: “Modernising the Planning System” Prepared by: Don McKee (Head of Planning) Purpose 1. This report is to seek Members’ agreement to a CNPA response to the Scottish Executive White Paper “Modernising the Planning System”. Recommendation 2. That Members consider the attached suggested basis for a CNPA response to the White Paper and agree the content of the formal response. Executive Summary 3. Members have had electronic access to the White Paper for several weeks, been supplied with the Executive Summary and received a presentation and briefing from Jim Mackinnon, Chief Planner at the Scottish Executive. There will hopefully by now be a reasonable degree of familiarity with the proposals. 4. The White Paper proposes the biggest overhaul of the Scottish planning system for decades. A hierarchy of national, major, local and minor developments will be established. There will be enhanced community engagement, as well as a more defined role for developers, in development plans and planning determinations. Plans will become simpler and more focussed. Determinations will become management and not control. Enforcement will be given greater priority. Within this context there are a lot of detailed changes proposed. 5. We need to assess the potential impact of the White Paper for the Cairngorms National Park: • What are the implications of the proposals for our unique planning function and our duty to deliver the 4 aims of the Park? • Change on this scale is always rather daunting, but do the proposals present opportunities that will help us plan for the Park’s future? • Can we suggest Park related issues that we consider should have been covered in the White Paper? 6. Rather than write a lengthy report, the White Paper proposals and suggested responses are set out in a table that forms an appendix to this report. It is intended that Members should be able to cross-reference this to the White Paper and use it as the basis for discussion at the meeting. Don McKee 17 September 2005 donmckee@cairngorms.co.uk